Look beautiful and sweet with Aries tattoo sexy color black color, thin lips passionately positive aura adds the woman. It's very sexy and beautiful tattoo it.
Selasa, 22 Desember 2009
Aries Tattoo Look
Look beautiful and sweet with Aries tattoo sexy color black color, thin lips passionately positive aura adds the woman. It's very sexy and beautiful tattoo it.
Senin, 21 Desember 2009
10 Tips Bermain Drum

1. Selalu menggunakan EAR PLUG (penutup telinga) guna melindungi telinga dari kerusakan dan selalu gunakan pada saat latihan dan tampil. Sekarang banyak pemain drum yang telah mengidap penyakit tinnitus (kuping mendengung) dan sampai sekarang obatnya masih belum ada. Sayangilah pendengaran anda.
2. Biasakan menggunakan METRONOME setiap kali berlatih sehingga tempo anda senantiasa stabil.
3. Bermainlah dengan RILEKS, jangan tegang dan jangan membuang-buang tenaga, tidak ada gunanya.
4. Selalu menyiapkan STICK sendiri lebih dari satu pasang jika ingin tampil.
5. Jangan terlalu CEPAT PUAS dengan ilmu yang telah anda dapat. Cobalah menambah ilmu lagi dengan cara belajar dari guru drum yang berbeda atau dari teman anda yang lebih berpengalaman.
6. Jangan terlalu FANATIK pada satu atau dua aliran lagu saja, hal inilah yang dapat menghambat kreatifitas pemain dan membuat permainan anda menjadi monoton dan membosankan. Cobalah berbagai macam aliran musik dan usahakan anda dapat memainkan seluruh aliran musik yang ada.
7. Dalam permainan drum harus melibatkan FEEL atau dengan kata lain harus benar2 dirasakan, jangan asal pukul dan jangan pernah berpikiran bahwa semakin keras pukulan semakin bagus. Itu salah! Dan juga jangan berpikir bahwa semakin cepat anda bermain semakin hebat. Tidak juga, kekerasan dan kecepatan tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan musikalitas.
8. Selalu berlatih dari TEMPO yang lambat dan jika sudah sangat terbiasa, tingkatkan temponya perlahan-lahan. Anda harus belajar berjalan dulu baru bisa lari.
9. DENGARKAN pada musisi lainnya, jangan hanya terfokus pada diri sendiri, dengarkan yang lain.
10. Jadilah pemain drum yang KREATIF, beri variasi pada setiap permainan drum yang anda dapat. Karena drum masih merupakan sesuatu yang 'baru', masih banyak variasi baru yang bisa anda dapatkan.
Note: Untuk EAR PLUG anda dapat membelinya di apotik yang besar atau di toko yang menjual perlengakapan militer. Untuk metronome disetiap toko musik pasti ada, dan carilah yang digital.
[berbagai sumber]
Kamis, 03 Desember 2009
Lower Back Tattoos First Became Popular In The 1990s
Lower back tattoos first became popular in the 1990s, when crop tops and half shirts were in style. Girls realized that not only were they perfect to show off their newest tats, but that tattooing the lower back highlighted a curvy and feminine part of the body perfectly. Sexy lower back tattoos for girls are still very much in style, and they are great to show off at the beach or wherever you go!
These tattoos are usually oblong in shape - this highlights the feminine curves of the body. Most tattoos are an image surrounded by elongated lines, patterns, or designs. Common central images include a star, heart, butterflies, dolphins, dragons, or a cross. Common designs around the image include vines, wings, flames, or swirly designs. The design is usually widest in the center and then tapers off as it extends outward. Occasionally, a back tattoo may wrap farther around onto the waist or side of a girl, and this is both beautiful and unique.
Another shape of tattoo is the round tattoo on the lower back. This is a very different look, but still attractive in its own way. If you ask which is sexier, oblong or round, the answer will be oblong. It just highlights a girl's shape better. But round tattoos like suns and other circular designs look great and make a statement too.
Getting a tat in this area is a great idea for lots of reasons. For one, it offers a great, flat expanse to work with. It's a perfect spot for a tattoo. And unlike the abdomen, it won't change or stretch out so much with age, weight gain, or pregnancy. Flashing a lower back tat is sexy because it's on a part of the body that we don't often see. It's usually covered by clothes, so getting a peek at a lower back tattoo is very appealing.
Tattoos are becoming so popular now, in fact, that you may want to reconsider your decision. It's fine to get a tattoo, but some estimates say that 20% of all women have lower back tattoos, and that is quite high. If you love the tattoo and its location, go for it. But if you are going to be bothered by the fact that there are so many out there like it, maybe choose a more unconventional location like the side or the wrist.
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