Senin, 04 April 2011

Blog Spotlight V.5

Welcome to the 5th edition of my blog spotlight. This time around I am really, really excited to share a newer blog with you, The Veda House! The girl behind the blog, Cassie, is the sweetest thing and she puts a lot of time and creativity into her darling corner of the internet. The Veda House is a visual beauty, full of gorgeous design, inspiring photos, and chock full of tidbits that get my creative self thinking. I really enjoy reading what Cassie has to say, and I know you will too. I've recently been enjoying her Friday Finds and Favorites, and her Sunday Portraits, too. All in all The Veda House is just such a breath of fresh air. I'm very excited to see Cassie's blog grow and expand as more people discover it's amazing-ness! Head on over and say hello when you get a moment, and happy browsing.

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