All was well though because I got to hear the baby's heartbeat! It's seriously my favorite thing in the world. The heart rate is nice and strong at 150. Old wives' tales would say that means I am having a girl, but we'll have to wait and see next Friday! So far I've gained 5 pounds and I'm feeling good! I'm very excited to have my belly "pop" soon. I can't wait to look pregnant and do that whole thing. I took a few photos this morning, I hope you enjoy my lovely pajamas! hahah.
don't mind my little itch marks! My stomach was itchy before I put on my belly cream. :)
This week, Baby H is the size of a sweet potato!

Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.
I haven't felt any movement yet, but I'm hoping any day I feel a little flutter. In the beginning of my pregnancy I dealt with a couple of initial changes: my skin broke out, my face got rounder and bloated looking (in my opinion), and my chest got much bigger than usual. Now, my chest is normal sized, my face is back to my regular roundness, and my skin is cleared up for the most part. I'm happy about all of these changes. I think it was just my body's way of reacting to the sudden influx of new hormones, and a LOT of them! Now I'm feeling great. In fact, I've never felt better, both physically or emotionally, which is quite unexpected. I'm really happy and I truly love being pregnant.
I should mention though that it's weird for me because I don't "feel" pregnant. At this point I have a doctor's appointment every month, and towards the end of the month it's been a regular thing for me to start to feel anxious, and have these insane fears that when they go to listen to the heartbeat there won't be one! I know once I feel movement I'll feel more secure, but I don't feel like there's anything in there most of the time, which sounds weird, but it's the truth. I'm so, so excited for our ultrasound next week but it's also easy to have anxiety about it because they'll be checking a lot of vital things with the baby's development. All I can do is hope all is well but it's still a scary thought. Regardless, we will love our little darling but like I said, it's easy to get carried away with scary thoughts. Did any of you mamas have similar fears during pregnancy? I'm usually okay, but every once and awhile a little thought will creep in and I hate it.
Other than that, everything else is super positive. We have our names ready, boy or girl, we're still house hunting, and having a grand old time enjoying the summer. Now let's see if I can make it all the way to next Friday for that ultra-anticipated ultrasound! When I hit 20 weeks I'm also going to start a regular maternity style series every week in addition to the bare belly shots! I think that will be a lot of fun. I wanted to wait until I was actually showing to do so, so I'm hoping in 2 weeks I'll be there.
Have a great day everyone! :)
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