Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Okay, I'm crying.

    I love the way Henry holds onto me as he's eating. It melts my heart everytime.
Henry eating. The way he holds onto me melts my heart everytime.

Music and words are everything to me. When I was an angst-filled teenager, so dramatic and so full of emotion, I would lay on my bed for hours and listen to music, feeling every emotion possible. Songs would repeat over and over; I'd cry listening to "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac, feel like I was falling in love while listening to "Sweet Avenue" by Jets to Brazil, be taken back to junior high while listening to Blink182's Cheshire Cat in its entirety. It all affected me so much, and it still does. But now as a Mom, I find myself affected in a much deeper way. Today while browsing various sites, I stumbled across a youtube video that included a particular Taylor Swift song. First of all, I'm not typically a Taylor Swift fan, but within thirty seconds I found myself crying. And not just crying, but almost sobbing. Call it hormones, call me emotional, call it what you want, but this song just spoke to me on so many levels and affected me so deeply. It's a beautiful, beautiful song and if you haven't heard it, definitely have a listen below. Let me know what you think too! Have a beautiful day, friends. xo

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